Painless Wisdom Teeth Extractions In New South Wales

At Northern Beaches Dental, wisdom tooth removal is a simple, pain-free process. At Northern Beaches Dental, we have years of experience in wisdom tooth removal for all ages.

What are Wisdom Teeth?

For most adults, wisdom teeth usually erupt in the late teens or early twenties in the back of the mouth. Sometimes, wisdom teeth erupt only partially, or in a way that presses against nearby teeth or bone, leaving a gum flap over the tooth.

When Is Wisdom Tooth Extraction Required?

A wisdom tooth may need to be removed if:
● A patient suffers from repeated gum infection.
Tooth decay
● Damage to cheek or gum due to wisdom tooth eruption
● Difficulty is experienced during cleaning of teeth

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth become stuck against bone or other teeth, resulting in damage as well as severe pain or infection. This may require a dental surgeon to perform a wisdom tooth removal procedure.
Symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth are:
● Red or swollen gums
● Tender gums which bleed easily
● Pain in the jaw
● Persistent swelling around the jaw
● Persistent bad breath
● An unpleasant taste in your mouth
● Difficulty opening the mouth wide

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Procedure

Here’s how a wisdom teeth dentist at our clinic performs an extraction:
● First, a local anaesthesia is administered to numb the area. Your dentist will determine whether general anaesthesia may be required, based on the patient’s medical history.
● A painless incision is made to expose the tooth
● Excess bone is removed if required using precision dental tools
● In some cases, the tooth may be cut into multiple pieces for easier extraction
● The incision may or may not require stitches based on the dentist’s opinion
● Gauze is placed over the site to prevent excessive bleeding and clotting

Recovery After Wisdom Tooth Removal

The patient is likely to experience some bleeding for the first 24 hours, and mild pain for a few days. Your wisdom tooth dentist will provide clear instructions on how to replace the gauze, and recommend that you do not spit too much as this may irritate the wound. You will be prescribed mild pain relief medication and instructions to apply an ice pack against the jaw to control swelling.
Avoid any strenuous activity for a week and get plenty of rest to aid the healing process. Eat soft, healthy foods, avoid smoking and alcohol and stay well hydrated.

Trusted Wisdom Teeth Dentist In New South Wales

Are you struggling with pain caused by wisdom teeth? Contact Northern Beaches Dental, where a team of experienced dental surgeons perform quick, pain-free wisdom teeth removal procedures.

Our Opening Hours
  • Monday:
  • 8:30am – 5:30pm
  • Tuesday:
  • 8:30am – 5:30pm
  • Wednesday:
  • 8:30am – 5:30pm
  • Thursday:
  • 8:30am – 5:30pm
  • Friday:
  • 8:30am – 5:30pm
  • Saturday:
  • 8:30am – 2:00pm