How to Prevent Tooth Sensitivity in New South Wales
If you have sensitive teeth that hurt when you consume hot, cold or acidic foods, it is possible that the enamel of your teeth has eroded, or that your gums have receded. Although there are numerous causes of sensitive teeth, there are also ways to address the problem. At Northern Beaches Dental, we believe that changes to your diet, lifestyle and routine dental checkups are the best way to address tooth sensitivity.
What Is Tooth Sensitivity?
Teeth start to feel sensitive when the hard enamel that protects the sensitive insides of the tooth starts to wear away. The enamel is a porous layer which, when compromised, is unable to protect the nerves in the centre of the tooth from receiving hold and cold stimuli that cause discomfort.
Causes of Tooth Sensitivity
The following factors are causes of sensitive teeth:
● Using a toothbrush with hard bristles, or brushing too hard can wear down tooth enamel, expose the dentin to hot and cold temperatures and cause gum recession.
● Gum recession caused by gum disease can wear away gum tissue and expose the root of a tooth, which is extremely sensitive to stimuli. If you have inflamed gums, you may experience discomfort while eating certain foods.
● Teeth that are chipped or cracked are an ideal environment for plaque buildup which leads to bacterial growth and the release of acids that wear down tooth enamel
● People who clench their teeth due to stress cause long-term damage to the surface of teeth, making them sensitive over time
● Some teeth whitening products contain strong bleaching agents which, when used incorrectly, can cause sudden tooth sensitivity due to corrosion
● Consuming foods that are high in acid, sugar and starch greatly increases the chances of developing tooth sensitivity
● Smoking dries out the mouth and creates a perfect environment in which bacteria can thrive uninterrupted, leading to acids that break down teeth
How to Fix Sensitive Teeth
If you are experiencing tooth sensitivity, Northern Beaches Dental recommends the following tips:
● Use only soft bristled toothbrushes and reduce the force with which you brush your teeth
● Eliminate acidic, sugary and starchy foods that damage the enamel
● Include foods that are rich in fiber that help regulate acidity in the mouth such as milk, sugar-free yoghurt and vegetables.
● If you do consume acidic foods, do not brush your teeth for at least 30 minutes
● Wear a mouthguard at night to protect your teeth from the effects of grinding
● Consider changing or reducing the frequency with which you use tooth whitening products
● Schedule a visit to the dentist every six months to address other oral conditions that may contribute to tooth sensitivity
Treatment for Gum Disease and Tooth Sensitivity in NSW
Are you looking for expert advice on how to fix sensitive teeth in NSW? Contact Northern Beaches Dental today where a team of passionate dentists work closely with you to provide personalised solutions for instant relief.